Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Few Blood Test Results are back

Emma is doing ok. Her energy level seems to be higher, some bruises are fading. There are still some days she comes home from school exhausted & then there are days where she has normal energy. However, she can still hold her own against the neighborhood boys.
Emma's Doctor gave us a call the other day. Some of her blood work has come back. She has a high ANA blood test result for a child her age. (Link to info on ANA testing.) Several of the tests for specific antibodies came back negative. However, since she has a family history, the Hematologist wants Emma to see  rheumatologist in December. Most of the time, if a child has a high ANA with no family history the rheumatologist checks on the child every 6 months.
Emma is still bummed about Volleyball...also at school,the PE program has a RollerSkating Unit in January. At this point she cannot participate in the Rollerskating, however, if her platelets do go up above 100,000's, which we are hoping for, she can Rollerskate.  We are still waiting on some genetic tests that should be back from Wisconsin later this week. We keep a health journal to track of her bruising and platelet count. We've been in contact with a few different hematologists at Vanderbilt. We are still hopeful she has an Acute case and she can leave it in her past. She has been a tough cookie through all of the bloodwork.
I'll update when we know the results from the genetic blood work.
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